How Seasonal Changes Affect Allergic Rhinitis

If you're one of the millions of people who have seasonal allergic rhinitis, read on to know what you can do to be prepared.

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Things You Must Know Before Using A Nebuliser At Home

Home nebuliser therapy is particularly effective in delivering medications to infants, small children& geriatric patients and to anyone who is unable to use inhalers with spacers.

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The Difference Between Controller Inhalers and Rescue Inhalers

When it comes to their use based on the medication, inhalers can be broadly separated into two types: rescue inhalers and controller inhalers

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Here's Why You Should Always Pick Inhalers Over Oral Medication

While the condition is chronic and cannot be cured, with regular treatment, the condition can be managed and an asthmatic can lead a normal life. A few of the benefits of inhalers and inhalation therapy are as follows

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How to Take Care of Asthma During Diwali

Diwali causes lots of pollution which could be hazardous for those suffering from asthma. Here's a list of few things which you can do to ensure you keep your asthma in control.

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What You Need to Know About Seasonal Asthma Triggers

Allergens are one of the most common asthma triggers and can change through the year depending on the season.

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