Asthma for Non-Asthmatics

Asthma is one word that is known to people all over the world but the details of the condition usually remain hidden from the general public. Did you know that asthma is a condition that affects more than 3.5 crore individuals in India alone? With the second leg of #BerokZindagi being kicked off, we realized that it was time to bring non-asthmatics into the fold and educate them about the nitty-gritties of the condition.

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Coping with Allergic Rhinitis in Winter

As allergy season approaches, patients with allergic rhinitis—also known as the uncommon cold—prepare for symptoms like sneezing, itchy nose, and itchy eyes.

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How to Take Care of Asthma During Diwali

Diwali causes lots of pollution which could be hazardous for those suffering from asthma. Here's a list of few things which you can do to ensure you keep your asthma in control.

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10 Things to Consider for Older Asthmatics During Winters

In senior adults, asthma symptoms are likely to worsen in winters. Taking necessary precautions in cold weather can help manage asthma better.

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How Can Asthmatics Know When To Seek Medical Attention

Managing asthma symptoms can help to improve asthma control and reduce the risk of an asthma attack. However, it is always advised to be prepared for emergencies or seek help when needed.

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How Nebulizers Help With Asthma And COPD

A nebulizer is a type of breathing device that converts liquid medicine into aerosols (mist or very fine droplets), which you breathe in with the help of a mask.

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