7 Differences Between Inhalers & Nebulizers That You Should Know

Inhalers and nebulizers are types of medical devices that are used by people who have asthma and other respiratory illnesses

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Difference Between A Common Cold, Sinusitis And Allergic Rhinitis

Taking a closer look at the distinctions between common cold, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Understanding their symptoms and helping contain the spread.

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10 Things to Consider for Older Asthmatics During Winters

In senior adults, asthma symptoms are likely to worsen in winters. Taking necessary precautions in cold weather can help manage asthma better.

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Advantages & Limitations of Dry Powder Inhalers

Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) are one of the newer types of inhalers, which became available commercially in the 1970s and become significantly more popular since then.

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How to Take Care of Asthma During Diwali

Diwali causes lots of pollution which could be hazardous for those suffering from asthma. Here's a list of few things which you can do to ensure you keep your asthma in control.

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What Are The Differences In Asthma For Adults And Children

Asthma varies considerably across the life course. There are similarities in symptoms and triggers for adult and childhood asthma, however, their diagnosis and treatments are not the same.

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