
How To Manage Asthma While Working From Home

Work from home needs discipline, and so does asthma management. You cannot be lax about your health condition just because you are not stepping out. Several triggers are commonly found indoors and may easily affect your health and in turn, your work routine. Let’s learn about managing asthma at home with a simple schedule, and some even simpler home remedies.

1. Take Your Medications on Time

Working from home is very different compared to working from the office. As you work in your pyjamas, you can easily lose track of time. While it is fine to have a delayed meal occasionally, you must never push your medication timings. Try to stick to your routine and take all your medications on time and as recommended by your doctor. Keep your asthma inhalers handy and teach your roommates how to use them in case of emergencies.

2. Avoid Triggers

Strong odours, indoor plants, dust, talcum powder, hair spray, cigarette smoke, the list of indoor triggers is huge. The indoor air quality is also a big cause of concern. You might already be aware of all of the indoor triggers, but people living with you may not know the details. While working from home, talk to your family members or roommates about your triggers. Make a list of all your triggers and share it with people in your home. Take extra care of dust, as it can wreak havoc in no time. Vacuum regularly and clean everything around you with a wet cloth, daily.

3. Create a Plan

Managing asthma with work from home might get tricky. To manage it properly, you can create a systematic plan with reminders for asthma medication, exercise, food, etc. You can use a reminder app on your phone, or you can print out a schedule and create a plan to follow on your working days. Keep it on your desk and update it as you go about your day. This way, you will be able to manage your health along with your work schedule and never miss a dose or a deadline.

4. Contact Your Doctor Immediately

If you feel like your health is off or you have persistent asthma signs and symptoms (for eg. extreme difficulty in breathing, chest pain, being unable to talk more than a few words, difficulty walking, or if your lips, face or nails are going blue/grey), you should immediately contact your doctor. Your doctor can help you by changing your asthma treatment or asthma medication schedule. There may also be a trigger at home that your doctor may be able to help you identify. Always put your health first even while working from home and do not wait for asthma symptoms to settle down on their own.

Home Remedies for Asthma

Given below are some home remedies that will help you manage your asthma as you dedicate long hours to your work. You must discuss them with your doctor to make sure that they are ideal for your particular case.

1. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of asthma. A study conducted back in 2016 had indicated that 1.8 cineole, an element of eucalyptus oil, reduced inflammation in their airways in mice. The same study suggested that inhaling vapours of eucalyptus oil may also help human beings.

Essential oils can be dangerous if not used properly, therefore, ask your doctor for a recommendation. Use eucalyptus oil only as directed.

2. Exercise

Exercise is a wonderful home remedy for asthma. They reduce hyperventilation, improve asthma symptoms and also aid in the improvement of mental well-being. Regular exercise can help you manage asthma signs and symptoms at home and lower the need for asthma medication. Some of the best exercises for asthma include walking and yoga.

3. Tea and Coffee

Tea, coffee, and green tea are believed to be helpful with asthma. The caffeine in these drinks works similar to theophylline (a popular asthma medication) and opens the airways. A 2010 research review suggests that caffeine is capable of improving breathing function in asthmatic people. It manages the asthma signs and symptoms for up to 4 hours.

All of these home remedies are meant for asthma management only. Do not use them in emergencies or as a replacement for mediation.

Living with asthma is not as difficult as it once used to be. You can easily manage it by following a proper schedule and taking your asthma medication regularly as prescribed by your doctor. While working from home, all you need to do is create a good action plan, keep an eye on asthma signs and symptoms, keep your asthma inhalers handy and get asthma treatment at the earliest if your symptoms get worse. We hope the above-mentioned home remedies will also help you do well with asthma management and work from home.


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