Try These Exercises If You Suffer From COPD

People who tend to neglect physical activity due to their COPD usually suffer from a drop in muscle mass and cardiovascular function. Due to this, they find it difficult to breathe when completing even the simplest activity. The exercises mentioned are great for people who suffer from COPD. These exercises help strengthen the heart which benefits COPD patients in the long run.

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Difference Between Asthma And COPD

Both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) share similar characteristics, but they're not the same conditions. Read on to know the difference between Asthma And COPD in detail.

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The Ideal Daily Routine for Someone Suffering from COPD

Living with COPD can be difficult as the condition does compromise your day to day routine. However, by taking some minor but necessary steps, it is possible to go about your day hassle-free.

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Travel Checklist For Asthmatics

Precautions and safety measures to take whilst travelling to ensure your asthma stays under control.Precautions and safety measures to take whilst travelling to ensure your asthma stays under control.

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Are Different Treatment Options Available For Bronchitis And Asthma?

While most of the symptoms for asthma and bronchitis overlap with each other, how these symptoms present themselves is the distinguishing factor between the two.

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Tips To Control Asthma During Winter

The winter season comes with its own set of problems for asthmatics. Learn how you could prevent a winter asthma attack and live a normal life.

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