How to Manage Nutrition When Dealing with COPD

More energy is required to breathe by people suffering from COPD compared to people without COPD. The right mix of nutrients in the diet can help a person with COPD breathe easier.

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How Smoking Can Harm Your Lungs

The ill effects of smoking on lungs, causing damage to the respiratory system and other vital organs

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3 Myths About Inhalers That Just Aren't True

Did you know that inhalers aren't addictive? Yes, you heard that right! Asthma is a condition that all of us are familiar with. 

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Shortness Of Breath? Here's How You Can Cope With It

Dyspnea is a feeling of tightness in your chest, which causes difficulty in breathing. Here's How You Can Cope With It.

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Try These Exercises If You Suffer From COPD

People who tend to neglect physical activity due to their COPD usually suffer from a drop in muscle mass and cardiovascular function. Due to this, they find it difficult to breathe when completing even the simplest activity. The exercises mentioned are great for people who suffer from COPD. These exercises help strengthen the heart which benefits COPD patients in the long run.

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Steps to prevent COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is an incurable respiratory disease caused due to exposure to noxious particles and leads to airflow obstruction and irreversible damage to airways. By going through the right treatment, it can definitely be managed.

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