
How Do Nebulizers Help Children With Asthma?

Blame it on the changing climate or genes, asthma is becoming an increasingly common medical complaint among children and adults alike. However, gone are the days when asthmatics couldn’t enjoy life as much as their friends and folks. The introduction of inhalers and other inhalation therapies have changed the game and how!

Cipla, an Indian multinational pharmaceutical company, has taken the game a notch higher with its initiative, Breathefree. This initiative aims to create awareness about the usefulness of nebulizers, especially for children, if you notice that your child is constantly battling cough or cold. Without any apparent symptoms of breathlessness, it is quite easy to miss the sign that your little one is actually in need of a breathing aid like a nebulizer.

When the symptoms exhibited by your toddler goes beyond the usual symptoms of watery eyes and stuffy nose, then it is high time you pay attention to his breathing patterns. Respiratory disorders like asthma are pretty common among little ones and call for immediate treatment.

Signs That A Child Needs A Nebulizer

In case your little one exhibits progressive increase in any of the following symptoms, it is highly recommended that you consult the kid’s paediatrician and discuss the potential of using a nebulizer.

  • Shortness of breath or breathlessness
  • Wheezing or Cough
  • Chest tightness and difficulty breathing

Since the seasonal and environmental triggers vary greatly in nature, the asthmatic symptoms shown by children may differ from one another. Nonetheless, if you doubt that your child is mildly asthmatic, it is advised that you contact your healthcare provider immediately to prevent any long-term damage.

How Do Nebulizers Work?

Nebulizers easily convert the liquid medication into mist.  Nebulizers are designed to deliver the liquid medications directly into the lungs. The facemask or mouthpiece attached to the nebulizer further helps the patient to breathe in the mist easily to reach the lungs. As a result, the medicine that was breathed in acts directly where it is required the most - the child’s lungs!

To know more about how do nebulizers work and its uses, click here.

When it comes to children, the most popular nebulizer treatment for children is with compressor or Jet nebulizers. Jet nebulizers are the most commonly used nebulizers that are powered by electricity.  Jet nebulizer uses compressed gas to break up the asthma medication into fine mist particles.

How to Use a Nebulizer For Children?

Treatment with a nebulizer is quite similar to inhalers, and the former functions by administering medicine directly into the lungs of an asthmatic. Nevertheless, if your child is too young, nervous or unable to use the inhaler correctly, this is where the role of a nebulizer comes into play.

If a nebulizer is recommended for your child, your asthma educator or physician will provide instructions for using it. Here are some general instructions:

  1. Fill the medication cup with the prescribed amount of medication(s).
  2. Connect the tubing.
  3. Sit upright to make deeper breaths possible.
  4. Holding the medication cup upright, insert the mouthpiece or put the mask up to the face.
  5. Turn the machine ON.
  6. If possible, breathe deeply and slowly through your mouth.
  7. Tap the medication cup if the contents begin to sputter before the medication is gone.

Nebulizers are indeed a blessing in disguise for asthmatic children as they increase the efficiency of medicines to a great extent by allowing easy dissipation into the lungs. These devices are also extremely easy to use and can be quite beneficial in aiding the recovery of asthmatics in the long run. To know more about safe nebulization read on Things You Must Know Before Using A Nebuliser At Home.

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