
Your Asthma Checklist When You Leave Home

While most of us may think that we’ve aced the asthma prevention checklist – check again. It is imperative to have a concrete asthma checklist when you leave home. As it’s said, prevention is better than cure!


During an asthma attack, there is inflammation in the airways and the bronchial tubes contract, making it difficult to breathe. A few symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath and tension in the chest.  Hence, it is important to have your inhaler and other medications handy. Read on to know how to have an accurate asthma checklist in place when you leave home.


1. Carry Your Inhaler


If you’re an asthmatic, you possibly know the drill. Never leave home without the inhaler medication prescribed by your doctor as you never know if there is any new trigger, apart from the existing ones that may induce an attack. Just like you would never forget your house keys and wallet – you need to make sure that your inhaler medication is always with you whenever you leave home. This is the most important precaution for every asthmatic. Always have an extra inhaler placed in your car, bedside table and work desk.


2. Carry Prescribed Controllers  


Make sure you set reminders whilst travelling for your prescribed medication. Carrying your controller medication as prescribed by your doctor is extremely important – be it on a trip or at work. Simply organize a kit or pouch and place it in your suitcase wherever you go. Controller inhalers prevents exacerbations on a long term basis. They are important for reducing the chances of future attacks and prevents worsening of symptoms in the long run thereby ensuring a holistic control of the disease process.


3. Wear A Mask  


Wearing a mask to protect yourself from poor air quality is a must. If you’re going to be exposed to polluted air or dust, wearing a mask as a precautionary measure is essential.Allergens and irritants present in the air can be potential triggers. By covering your nose and mouth, you essentially protect your airways from stressors.


4. Asthma Action Plan


According to a Canadian study, only one in ten reported cases of exacerbations have had written.


An outline of the following –


  • Which medicines to take on a regular basis
  • How to track improvement in symptoms
  • How to identify if your condition is improving or getting worse
  • What to do during an asthma attack


Studies have shown that with an asthma action plan in place, you are four times less likely to go to the emergency room for asthma. This would reduce absenteeism at school or your work place.


5. Inform Your Neighbours


Prior intimation of your condition to your neighbours can be very useful in case of an emergency situation. Your close friends and family should be aware of your asthma action plan in order to help in case of an emergency. Always have a few emergency numbers saved in your speed dial list. These should include your doctor as well as family.       




  1. https://www.apolloclinic.com/health-tips/must-have-things-in-bag-in-you-have-asthma
  2. https://acaai.org/asthma/symptoms/asthma-attack
  3. http://www.proair.com/Respiclick/Asthma/Controlling-asthma.aspx
  4. https://www.asthma.ie/get-help/medicines-treatments/preventercontroller-inhalers/preventercontroller-inhalers
  5. https://www.healthy-house.co.uk/allergy-information/asthma-information/face-masks-for-asthma
  6. https://ciplamed.com/content/written-asthma-action-plans-still-a-long-way-to-go
  7. https://www.asthma.org.uk/advice/manage-your-asthma/action-plan/
  8. https://ciplamed.com/content/understanding-and-managing-acute-asthma


Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article are that of author's own and Cipla does not endorse any product in any way. Neither can Cipla or authors independently verify any claims made in the article. You should consult your doctor before using the medication to determine if it is right for your health.

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