
What is Bronchial Asthma?

Bronchial Asthma is an inflammatory lung disease in which an obstructive disturbance of ventilation occurs in the respiratory passage. Any external stimuli like exposure to perfume, moist air, exertion, warm air, cold air, pollen, dander, animal fur, can be triggers for asthma. In certain cases, even mental or emotional stress can be a trigger for a bronchial asthma attack. The attacks in this condition usually occur in the morning, along with a feeling of anxiety, making it difficult for asthmatics to breathe.

According to research, an approximate of 358 million people around the world suffer from Bronchial Asthma. The symptoms of bronchial asthma include wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest and shortness of breath. The asthmatic may experience a sudden onset of these symptoms at night, which also tend to get more intense during that period.

Causes of Bronchial Asthma

Although there seems to be no cure for this, as of now, Bronchial Asthma can still be controlled with regular treatment. Even though there are many risk factors that tend to trigger asthma, there are a few major causes that have been cited as the strongest and the most common ones. These include:

1. Environmental Causes

Pollen grains, humid air, and cold temperatures have also been cited as common triggers of bronchial asthma. Additional causes include air pollution and exposure to certain chemicals in the atmosphere.

2. Obesity

Some research also cites that being overweight can be linked to having asthma. Although this has not yet been acknowledged as a formal cause, reports suggest that inflammatory mechanisms that cause asthma are also linked to obesity.

3. Genetics

Another most important cause of asthma is genetics. Most asthmatics tend to get it from someone in the family who is already affected by it.

4. Stress

One of the most undermined causes of bronchial asthma, is stress. Studies state that people who undergo stress are prone to having higher asthma rates.

The symptoms of asthma may differ from individual to individual. As mentioned earlier, these also depend upon the environment around the asthmatic. Also, the symptoms may be consistent and regular, or periodic occurring from time to time. The most commonly noted symptoms which aid in the diagnosis of bronchial asthma include:

  1. Wheezing with a whistling sound on exhalation
  2. Breathlessness while talking, laughing, or during a physical exercise
  3. Breathlessness during sleeping
  4. Rapid pulse rate
  5. Airway inflammation

5.Smoking/Exposure To Tobacco Smoke

According to studies, those who smoke tobacco or are exposed to smoke, run a higher risk of getting bronchial asthma. Smoking leads to overproduction of mucus, thereby amplifying the effects of asthma and can even make the condition fatal.

The treatment for bronchial asthma depends on the symptoms that the asthmatic shows. This is why it’s important to consult a proper allergist/immunologist for better diagnosis and results. It is advisable that the asthmatic avoids allergens and eases the airways using an inhaler for faster and safer results.

On the dietary front, it is recommended to have food that is rich in Vitamin C, and drinking plenty of water every day. Substances that are heavy or sour like curd, bananas, etc. are to be avoided.

An asthmatic's life doesn't have to come to a standstill. With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can enjoy as many activities as you would like.

If you are wondering what exercises are safe for you, take a look at these Exercises For Asthma.


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