
Pedalling Away From Asthma

Till the age of 2, Hridaan would constantly be distressed with breathlessness, coughs, colds and throat infections that often made him rely on antibiotics. With every passing year his breathlessness kept increasing and there came a time when he started falling short of breath even while playing or cycling. As a concerned mother taking elderly advices, I tried doing everything to cure his condition right from giving him "kadha" to steam but nothing seemed to work.


When Hridaan was 4, his trips to the hospital had increased. After our paediatrician noticed his frequent hospitalization, we decided to do his thorough medical test which ultimately revealed that he had adenoids and hyperactive airways. Almost every ENT that we visited in town suggested us to go ahead with a minor surgery wherein they would remove his adenoids. But the thought of my little one undergoing a surgery was something that I could not bear. That’s when our paediatrician referred me to a doctor who studied Hridaan’s reports and diagnosed the condition to be asthma.


I was in denial of this diagnosis for almost a month but after the doctor’s assurance to manage asthma, we began the treatment. At first, the sight of Hridaan being put on inhalers and nose sprays made me rethink my decision of starting this treatment. But a month later, when I noticed the difference in my son’s health, I had no second thoughts.


It was a real relief to see my child back in action with his non-stop running and playing. Although the use of inhalers couldn’t be stopped for him, his dosage has reduced drastically.


Today, I am a happy mother of my 8 year old Hridaan, with no apprehension of using inhalers and pumps. Inhalers have helped us in travelling anywhere without fearing his allergies or cough attacks. The best part is that he doesn’t keep himself away from outdoor games anymore and cycles for an hour every day.


Watching my son’s journey with asthma has made me believe that inhalers are absolutely essential for asthmatics and with the right treatment being followed, they can certainly deliver effective results.


-Shraddha Shah